Monday, January 9, 2012

Newest Little One

Well we have a new little one...she is sooooooooo cute.  We are all getting to know and love her. 

Things have been very busy, but here are a few of the latest and greatest goings on around here:

B:  " I want puffed up ones like yours mommy, mine are down ones"
B:  Shissue
B:  crying "wee, wee, wee" seriously!
M: Christmas of the Nutcracker...Daddy took her and all she wanted for Christmas was a nutcracker and a "Wheel Dog".  She so sweetly wanted to wake up in the middle of the night to see if her nutcracker had come to life.
M:  Drawing like crazy...very impressive work.
M:  Wheel dog says, "Bark, bark"  also naughty dog went to the bathroom in the "store" on Christmas morning.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Too Long!

It has been way too long since my last update and I am fogetting many "unforgettable" I'm going to try least until the newest little one arrives :)
Current Phrases:
Hus (us)
Favorite Books:
Little B
Frog and Toad
Cookie "Job" - past favorite
Miss M
Elosie Wilkenson
Henry and Mudge
Pigs Ahoy...seriously
I have started the parents Susuki classes for the piano...I have a lot to learn. Miss M starts her lessons in the Fall. I hope she loves them. We are listening to the music about 2 hours a day at this point. By the end of the summer it is supposed to be 8 hrs a day!
Miss M is doing very well in her swimming lessons. She is getting more comfortable swimming under water. Little B is loving the water this year...not always the case. She used to shiver and scream at the sight of a pool.
M won't be going back to the Friends school next just wasn't a good fit. I think I will keep her home next year as a trial run for Kindergarten. We are working on phonics during B's naptime and she is doing well. So far, we are both enjoying it. I tried a couple of months ago and she wasn't ready. We'll see how it goes this time.
I'll be back!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Daddy Prince

As DH was leaving for work in a suit (he usually wears scrubs) Miss M asked him, "are those your prince clothes Daddy?" Needless to say there were several dances before he left.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Favorite Update Update!

Speaking of favorites, I can't believe I forgot to mention this...actually I can. It is 100% true that if you don't write it down, you will forget it!

Last week, Missy M was jumping around after eating a very big lunch and, well, she vomited, a little. She was fine, we brushed her teeth and she was fine. In the meantime, Baby Bee was very upset and was walking around saying "ucky!, ucky!." We cleaned it up and it was forgotten...until Daddy came home. As Daddy walked in the house from work, Miss M excitedly exclaimed, "Guess what Daddy, I flew up today and it was YOUR FAVORITE COLOR!!"

Just FYI Daddy's favorite color is orange.

One of Baby Bee's favorite toys is Bootsy (Boots, from Dora). Her favorite game is to put Bootsy in Time-Out. If you ask her about it, the conversation goes as follows.

Me: Where is Bootsy?

B: Time-Out

Me: Why?

B: Hitting, trouble.

Me: Who did Bootsy hit?

B: Brid-et...cryin... BEEP, all done.

Favorite Updates

Baby Bee -
Books- Who took the cookies from the cookie jar? (aka Cookie book)
Kipper's book of opposites
Song- Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (aka Tinkle)

Miss M -
Books- Anything with Belle and the Prince
Song - 5 Day's Old- Laurie Berkner Band

As a special gift, Daddy gave Miss M a bouquet for her first day of school. It had both purple and yellow flowers (her fav's)

Long time, no post!

So it has been a long time since my last post, but here we go.

Today was a big day. Missy M started preschool at her "wittle school." Before we left for school, she confirmed that I would not be staying at school today. She wanted me to drop her off in front of the school but was gracious when I insisted that I walk her in. She gave baby B and I a kiss and went off to play with her friends. I didn't stay for the parents coffee, as I thought I might start sobbing in front of the other parents. Baby B and I went straight to Costco. She cried the ENTIRE way. She missed her sister and is not used to being in the car without her. I have to pick M at 1:00, which is in the middle of nap-time, so that was interrupted. Baby B had a rough day and went to bed at 6:00.

Sarah left for China today. I looked for webcams at Costco, but they don't carry them. I will keep looking. I miss her already.

Saturday, March 13, 2010


Miss M turned three this week. It is amazing how quickly time is going by and how big she is getting. For her birthday Miss M requested a big girl bed, with purple sheets and pillowcases and a purple birthday cake. She got the bed and the cake, but we are still waiting on the bedding. Although she is happy with her bed now, initially she was disappointed. The toddler bed was smaller than what she was expecting...she wanted a big mommy bed. After I explained that both she and Goldilocks needed a bed that was "just right," she embraced her new bed. As a motivation to say in her bed we started another sticker chart with a ring pop reward. It worked like a charm and she has stayed in her bed for naps and overnight, no problem.

Baby Bee is growing so fast. She is already in 18-24 month clothes! Her favorite toy, or maybe just her favorite word is "ball." She is very fond of the big exercise ball that is in Gunther's room. Every time we walk past the room she says, "ball, ball, ball, ball, ball." She is a bit of a daredevil and at gymnastics class this week she tried to jump off a ramp that was way to high for her. My opinionated little one has started trying to bite if things don't go her way. "The Wheels on the Bus," is her current fav song. She makes a little circular motion with her hand to indicate her preference of song. DH and Baby Bee had some one on one time today while Miss M and I were at swimming lessons and while I took a nap today. Baby Bee enjoyed herself and as I was putting her to bed tonight she kept asking for cute!